How to actually achieve your New Year’s Resolution this year

6 min readJan 1, 2021

Before I start, I should highlight — you’re not alone, we’ve all done it. We’ve all approached the New Year with high hopes of having the self proclaimed best year ever, forgetting about the disappointments and annoyances of the past 12 months, and focusing on new goals and challenges to aspire towards.

And then, alas, 11 months down the line you realise that you have once again failed to achieve these goals. In fact, you may have lost motivation and focus much earlier than this. Life has taken over, and before you know it, you’re back to square one. Repeating those same optimistic words that were said this time last year. If you read on, this ever to familiar situation will be no longer.

2020 has been one of the most challenging years in history for many of us, and it is for that reason that I felt the need to put pen to paper and share the ultimate guide on how to actually achieve your New Year’s resolutions this year.

Step 1: Break it down into smaller parts

Ok, so you’ve got your New Year’s resolution. You’ve decided what you want to achieve this year and where you want to be in 12 months time. Now, break this down into a number of New Month Resolutions. Perhaps even New Week Resolutions if you can.

