I’m not exaggerating when I say this — I’ve found the best banana bread in London

2 min readDec 5, 2020


I get it, I get it, you’ve heard it all before. But please read on — you will not be disappointed, I promise. In fact, I’m willing to put £6 on the line (conveniently the price of the toasted banana bread at Lantana Cafe).

Brief introduction, Lantana is an Aussie run Cafe with four locations across London.

Right, enough of the small talk, let’s get straight into the important part. The toasted banana bread is topped with grilled banana and toffee sauce, with a very generous sprinkle of chocolate powder. If the description, and my word, has not yet sold this to you — take a look at the picture above (excuse the poor quality).

Now I’ll be shocked if I am still yet to persuade you to try this self proclaimed best banana bread in London. But if you are in this camp, the main menu at Lantana is exceptional and innovative, and is sure to win you over. It’s got the “traditional” brunch options you crave (who doesn’t love poached egg and avo?), plus a long selection of quirky dishes showcasing Australia’s multicultural cuisine that you never knew you needed in your life (until you try them of course).

Now, I’ll make this easy for you…

Web link: https://lantanacafe.co.uk/

Next steps: Make a reservation. Brunch yourself silly. And when they ask if you want dessert, you know what to do.

By Me.

Disclaimer: Sadly I have not had the pleasure of tasting every banana bread in London. If you have any reason to believe there are even tastier dishes out there that I am yet to discover, please get in touch.

If you’re still reading, you should probably give me a follow too. Much appreciated.

